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Aucun hôtel sélectionné
Prepay is required to all the bookings. We need guests prepay all the room charges. and Filled payment authorization form and copy of the card will be required. All the room charge will be deducted in 5 working days after you book, from your credit card which you provided when you book. Please leave your available email address on reservation, and it will be smooth when the hotel contacts you. After you prepay successfully, hotel will not accept any cancellation or modification or No-show, or all the prepaid will not be refunded. Early check-out charge-A charge may apply. Customers should check in before 18:00 on the arrival date. Late check-out condition if customer checks out between 12 noon and 18pm-half of the daily room rate will be charged, if one checks out after 18pm-the whole day room rate will be charged. After you book, it means you have accepted all the items above.
Nombre total des chambres: 404
subdivisées en: 247 CS | 157 CD | 45 Suites
Notre hôtel de 5 étoiles compte 404 chambres accueillantes dotées de tout confort moderne : film payant et WIFI.
Nous parlons...
Salle | m² | Agencement en U |
Réunion |
Banquet |
Classe |
Théâtre |
Accueil |
Cercle de chaises |
fermer Dimensions:
(Nombre de personnes )
Veuillez prendre contact avec nous obtenir toutes les informations concernant l´organisation d´événements dans notre hôtel.
Forfaits séminaires sur demande.
C´est un plaisir pour nous de créer vos programmes parallèles selon vos souhaits.
Équipement supplémentaire sur demande.
Nous parlons...
Nous parlons...